Monday, April 24, 2006

#36 - In the Grip of Evil

Like the last review, I really don't have any patience setting anything up with this one. This thing blows. It seems that there is a true story that William Peter Blatty based The Exorcist on. This is a little documentary about that story. Sounds like a good idea, doesn't it? Especially after just seeing the movie, it should be interesting to see. Well . . . it was . . . but the thing sucks so that lasted about five minutes.

Before I get into what exactly sucked about this little thing, I do want to mention some of the things I got out of it, cause there actually were some. I found it interesting that the child who was possesed and exorcised was actually a young boy. That and there were a number of elements from his story that manifested themselves in a number of various ways, at least from what I saw in the movie. Don't know about the book...yet. Was that detailed enough for you? TOO BAD!! Thats as detailed as I wanna get cause that's as detailed as it deserves.

You see, this hour-ish long thing is an okay idea wrapped in a nice package of wasted time. First of all, they didn't really have that many pictures or anything related to the story, so most of what was seen was all dramatic re-enactments. And since it was all in the past, the re-enactments were done with that little bit blurry, not really focusing on any thing style thats okay if you have a quick flashback, but the whole damn thing is a flashback!! It's a story...about something...from the past. Don't plague my eyes with a crappy convention for the whole damn show.

There were interviews of priests and other people related to the story that did give a little bit of legitimacy to the thing. And I forgot about it until just now, but one of them was a priest in the room during many of the boys exorcisms. This was actually quite interesting and captivating, but its like eating a cheeseburger after shoving dog poo into your mouth for an hour. Sure, you're eating a cheeseburger, but you still have the taste of poo on your tongue. The truly good thing about this thing was that it was short. It is definately not what I had in mind by watching everything. But I'll keep watching these damn things because I may actually be suprised by one of them. It has happened. But seriously folks, this is the kind of crap that makes me look forward to watching teen movies about gymnastics. STICK IT!!!


ak_hepcat said...

I think they played this on the history channel, or TLC, or some cable-access show, because I remember seeing something like this.

The biggest question that they didn't answer was how much of this was a hoax?

From my perspective? All of it.

squeak said...

You actually sat and watched this thing? What's wrong with you?

I think they avoided answering the hoax aspect of it because they wanted to REALLY make it sound completely true.

I still can't believe someone has actually seen this thing.