Tuesday, May 09, 2006

#45 - The Big Heat

I tell you what, these kinds of movies are GOOD movies. They are so intense, raw, and in your face. It is a pleasure to watch something so well crafted and that keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout. There are two things that happened for me while I was watching this movie. First, I didn't know how some things were going to turn out, so I was completely absorbed in the story and what the results were going to be. Second, there were some things I figured out, but there was a great anticipation to see how it unfolded. I can't remember the last "classic" style cop movie I saw that had those two elements interweaving in such a strong way. This was different then what happened in White Heat because you pretty much knew what the deal was, you just couldnt wait to see it play out. Much more mystery involved in this movie.

The events of this movie get started when Glenn Ford investigates an apparent suicide and discovers mob ties and police corruption. He plays such a cool detective that doesn't back down from anyone and plays his cards right. He knows when to make his moves and who to make them on. Even the scenes that are not high paced or action oriented are so fascinating because of the game that is played between the good guys and the bad guys. And speaking of bad guys, Lee Marvin is so good at what he does. No sir, this isn't Paint Your Wagon Lee Marvin. This isn't even Dirty Dozen Lee Marvin. This is bad ass bad guy from The Big Heat Lee Marvin. He's basically Glenn Ford's equal in terms of unrelenting agression and playing his card right, but he is way more erratic. You can call him a maniac if you would like to.

And yes, we have a no good dirty dame in our midst. Not quite the no good dame as Virginia Mayo was in White Heat, but she starts out playing for the bad guys and when she is suspected of a little transgression, she gets dealt with. I am only saying this cause it was a case of knowing something was going to happen to her, but when it happens, it's an "oh shit" moment. In fact, its not the only "oh shit" moment in the movie. And let me tell you, the anticipation of the other one is even greater, as are the results. This movie does not dissapoint. If I had to compare it with White Heat, I would say that nothing tops the performance of James Cagney, but there is more mystery involved with The Big Heat and the clash between bad guys and good guys is stronger. But thats just me. Two great movies telling two different stories, but both telling them very well.


Lindsay Lamar said...

I'm always happy when you see good movies. Granted, your rants about the bad ones are entertaining too, but they make the ones you like that much more of a testimony to how good a movie is.

squeak said...

In one sentence, you have pretty much summarized the main purpose of this whole dog and pony show.