I would say that this DVD only 75% sucked. Like the other DVD's in the set, it is broken up into four short films. Three of them are the usual boring crap. This time they blow up different stuff to see how it reacts. Guess what? It blows up. I'm telling you, make stuff out of the materials the cameras are made out of. They don't fail after getting hit by the blast. Anyways, they set up mannequins in some of the houses in family type settings...and then blew em up. They had cameras in the buildings so you could see exactly how bodies are blown around through shattered debris in the event of a nuclear attack. Was this research, or morbid curiosity? I could have told you what would happen to a family playing Scrabble when a nuke hits the ground in the neighbors backyard. Of course I'm talking about neighbors like Dayton, Ohio is a neighbor to Cincinnatti, Ohio.
Why all of this is 25% interesting is because the fourth, and thankfully final film on the DVD was more of a PSA film trying to tell Americans how the government is testing nukes to keep you safe. AND IT SHOWED THE FOOTAGE OF THE JONES FAMILY GETTIN BLOWED UP!!! Everybody plays their part, or else THIS HAPPENS!!!!! Hysterical. It reminded me of when I went to see a preserved reel of Dr. Strangelove and they had a preserved news reel just before America's involvement in WWII. It talked about such things as Nazi families doing their part and saving food scraps to feed Nazi pigs. It was done in classic propaganda style, and this bomb PSA was just as silly and just as rooted in fallacious scare tactics.
If you stayed with me through these three reviews, I appreciate you tolerance. I tried to make them as interesting as they could be, but it was hard to do becuase they were obviously the most boring things to ever be transmitted over a laser. I can't make any guaruntees that something like this will never happen again because there are some more documentries and whatnot in my queue, but not for a while. I think a moment of respite would do us all good. I'm glad this is over. I hope the future is more interesting, but I shall continue to watch the crappy DVD's. If I sat through this shite, I can sit through anything, like Mob War.
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